I noticed early this morning that vans were packed into the little parking space by the Odeon.The front door was open, a litre carton of fresh mik left handy and temporary lighting on in the foyer. And the sugar pink neon Shop sign (please keep this - it's very pretty) was on as if the Odeon had been open to sell sweets and chocolate last night. But not a soul in sight. As regular readers of this blog will know I have been cameraless and couldn't take any pictures of this evocative early morning scene. But - sparing no expense - I went off to Boots in St Peters St and forked out from my blog-budget of millions for their cheapest camera. So you have some details from later today - the vans - notice the new neat tarmac where the road was dug up last week to connect the water. And the shiny new tap on the back wall. And a glimpse of the inside- well, of the old Odeon litter point actually. Note the innovative health and safety feature on the door.
There were thundrous noises of heavy labour. Noone answered my shouts of hello - so no pics yet of the noble labourers themselves. But they're on the job everyone. Things are starting to move.
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